Column Mappings¶
Basic Usage¶
Each column mapping reads a column from the input datasets into hlink. It has a
attribute which specifies the name of the input column to read in
from both datasets. Optionally, it may have an alias
attribute which gives a
new name to use for the column in hlink.
Column mappings support some transforms which make changes to the data as they are read in. These changes support data cleaning and harmonization. The available column mapping transforms are listed below in the transforms section.
Advanced Usage¶
By default, the input column must have the same name in both input datasets.
With the override_column_a
and override_column_b
attributes, you can
specify a different name for either dataset A or dataset B. When you do this,
the transforms
attribute applies only to the non-override dataset. You can also
provide an override_transforms
attribute which applies only to the override
Each section below describes a column mapping transform type. Each transform
operates on a single input column and outputs a single output column. More than
one transform may be applied to a column. Transforms apply in the order that
they are listed in the transforms
list, so the output of one transform may
be the input of another. Input and output column types are listed in the format
“Maps input column type → output column type”. The letters T and U represent
arbitrary column types.
Each transform requires a type
attribute, which must be one of the names
listed below. Some transforms may use additional attributes. These vary by
type, and additional information appears for each type of transform in its
section below.
Some transforms are suffixed by “a” or “b”. These suffixes mean that the transforms apply to columns from only one of the two datasets to be linked (dataset A or dataset B). Most transforms operate on both dataset A and dataset B independently.
For example, if you have two datasets taken 10 years apart, you may want to
standardize the age
variable so that it is comparable between the two
datasets. To do this, you could create a new age_at_dataset_b
variable by
reading in the age
variable from each dataset and then adding 10 to the
variable from dataset A with the add_to_a
alias = "age_at_dataset_b"
column_name = "age"
transforms = [
{type = "add_to_a", value = 10}
As another example, suppose that both datasets record each person’s first name
as a string. In dataset A the variable is called namefrst
and is entirely
lowercase, but in dataset B it is called first_name
and is entirely uppercase.
You could read these two columns into a namefrst
column in hlink and apply
a lowercase transform to only dataset B with the following configuration section.
alias = "namefrst"
column_name = "namefrst"
# Read from column first_name in dataset B
override_column_b = "first_name"
# Apply these transforms only to dataset B
override_transforms = [
{type = "lowercase_strip"}
Add the given value
to a column from dataset A.
Maps numerical → numerical.
transforms = [{type = "add_to_a", value = 11}]
Concatenate the string value
to the end of a column in dataset A.
Maps string → string.
transforms = [{type = "concat_to_a", value = " "}]
Concatenate the string value
to the end of a column in dataset B.
Maps string → string.
transforms = [{type = "concat_to_b", value = " "}]
Concatenate the values from two columns together as strings. This transform takes
a column_to_append
attribute, which specifies the name of the column to concatenate
to the end of the mapped column. To concatenate more than two columns, you can
use this transform multiple times in a row.
If either of the columns are numerical, they are automatically converted to strings before the concatenation.
Maps (string | numerical) → string.
# Concatenate two columns to the end of the mapped column.
transforms = [
{type = "concat_two_cols", column_to_append = "statefip"},
{type = "concat_two_cols", column_to_append = "county"},
Used in name cleaning. Convert alphabetical characters to lower-case and strip white space characters from the start and end of the strings in the column.
Maps string → string.
transforms = [{type = "lowercase_strip"}]
Used in name cleaning. Replace the characters ?
, *
, and -
with spaces. Since
people’s names in raw census data can contain these characters, replacing these characters
can lead to better matching.
Maps string → string.
transforms = [{type = "rationalize_name_words"}]
Used in name cleaning. Remove the characters ?
and -
from strings in the column.
Maps string → string.
transforms = [{type = "remove_qmark_hyphen"}]
Remove most punctuation from strings in the column. This transform removes these characters:
? - \ / " ' : , . [ ] { }
Maps string → string.
transforms = [{type = "remove_punctuation"}]
Used in name cleaning. Replace each apostrophe '
with a space.
Maps string → string.
transforms = [{type = "replace_apostrophe"}]
Used in name cleaning. If a string in the column contains the string or
(”or” surrounded by spaces),
then remove the or
and all following characters.
Maps string → string.
transforms = [{type = "remove_alternate_names"}]
Used in name cleaning. Given a list of suffixes, remove them from the strings in the column.
Maps string → string.
transforms = [
type = "remove_suffixes",
values = ["jr", "sr", "ii", "iii"]
Used in name cleaning. Remove last words from names such as street names.
Maps string → string.
transforms = [
type = "remove_stop_words",
values = ['avenue', 'blvd', 'circle', 'court', 'road', 'street']
Used in name cleaning. Remove prefixes like “Ms.”, “Mr.”, or “Mrs.” from names.
Maps string → string.
# In some census data, "ah" is a prefix from Chinese names.
transforms = [{type = "remove_prefixes", values = ["ah"]}]
Used in name cleaning. Take white space that may be more than one character or contain non-space characters and replace it with a single space.
Maps string → string.
transforms = [{type = "condense_strip_whitespace"}]
Used in name cleaning. If a name is a single character, remove it and leave the white space behind.
Maps string → string.
transforms = [{type = "remove_one_letter_names"}]
Split the column value on space characters.
Maps string → array of string.
alias = "namefrst_split"
column_name = "namefrst_clean"
transforms = [{type = "split"}]
If the column contains an array, select the element at the given position.
This can be used as the input to another transform. In the example below, the first transform selects the second (index 1) item from the “namefrst_split” column that contains a set of names split on white space. Then the substring 0,1 is selected, which gives the first initial of the person’s probable middle name.
Maps array of T → T.
alias = "namefrst_mid_init"
column_name = "namefrst_split"
transforms = [
{type = "array_index", value = 1},
{type = "substring", values = [0, 1]}
Map single or multiple values to a single output value, otherwise known as a “recoding.”
Maps T → U.
column_name = "birthyr"
alias = "clean_birthyr"
transforms = [
type = "mapping",
values = [
{"from"=[9999,1999], "to" = ""},
{"from" = -9998, "to" = 9999}
Replace a column with a substring of the data in the column.
Maps string → string.
transforms = [
{type = "substring", values = [0, 1]}
Divide data in a column by an integer value. It may leave a non-integer result.
For instance, the following example takes the birthplace variable and converts it from the detailed version to the general version. The two least significant digits are detailed birthplace information; to make the more general version, we simply drop them by dividing by 100 and rounding to the lowest whole number (floor function).
Maps numerical → numerical.
column_name = "bpl"
alias = "bpl_root"
transforms = [
{type = "divide_by_int", value = 100},
{type = "get_floor"}
Apply conditional logic to replacement of values in a column. Works like the SQL if()
or case()
expressions in the SQL select
When the value of a column is value
replace it with if_value
. Otherwise replace it with else_value
The following example replaces all “race” IPUMS codes with 0 (white) or 1 (non-white). An IPUMS code of 100 is the “white” race category.
Maps T → U.
column_name = "race"
transforms = [
{type = "when_value", value = 100, if_value = 0, else_value = 1}
Round down to the nearest whole number.
This example produces the general version of the IPUMS “relate” variable. The variable is coded such that detailed categories are between the hundreds (300 is child of household head, 301 is simply ‘child’, 302 is adopted child, 303 is step-child for instance). The general categories are usually all that’s needed (1 == household head, 2 == spouse, 3 == child, 4 == child-in-law, 5 == parent, 6 == parent-in-law, 7== sibling, 12 == not related to head).
Maps numerical → numerical.
alias = "relate_div_100"
column_name = "relate"
transforms = [
{type = "divide_by_int", value = 100},
{type = "get_floor"}