Running hlink¶
Using hlink as a Library¶
hlink can be used as a Python library for scripting linking jobs. It provides some high-level classes and functions for interacting with Spark, handling configuration, and running linking tasks and steps.
The main class in the library is LinkRun
, which represents a complete linking job. It provides access
to each of the link tasks and their steps. Here is an example script that uses LinkRun
to do some linking.
Below we go into more detail on each of the important aspects of the script.
from hlink.linking.link_run import LinkRun
from hlink.spark.factory import SparkFactory
from hlink.configs.load_config import load_conf_file
# First we create a SparkSession with all default configuration settings.
factory = SparkFactory()
spark = factory.create()
# Now let's load in our config file.
config = load_conf_file("./my_conf")
lr = LinkRun(spark, config)
# Get some information about each of the steps in the
# preprocessing task.
prep_steps = lr.preprocessing.get_steps()
for (i, step) in enumerate(prep_steps):
print(f"Step {i}:", step)
print("Required input tables:", step.input_table_names)
print("Generated output tables:", step.output_table_names)
# Run all of the steps in the preprocessing task.
# Run the first two steps in the matching task.
# Get the potential_matches table.
matches = lr.get_table("potential_matches")
assert matches.exists()
# Get the Spark DataFrame for the potential_matches table.
matches_df = matches.df()
Each link task can be accessed through the LinkRun
as an attribute like lr.preprocessing
or lr.hh_model_exploration
Link steps for each task can be run with task.run_all_steps()
or task.run_step(i)
. The easiest way to
access Spark tables is through lr.get_table()
. This method returns an hlink.linking.table.Table
object, which provides
an interface to easily check if the table exists, get its Spark DataFrame, or drop it.
To create a LinkRun
, we need to set up a pyspark.sql.SparkSession
object. The most convenient way to do this is through
the hlink.spark.factory.SparkFactory
class. SparkFactory
defines many default configuration values which can be adjusted as needed.
from hlink.spark.factory import SparkFactory
factory = SparkFactory()
spark = factory.set_local().set_num_cores(8).set_executor_memory("5G").create()
We’ll also need to load in a config to get the LinkRun
up and running. A config is
a dictionary with string keys, often read in from a TOML or JSON file. The
function is helpful for reading in config files,
as are the json
and toml
python modules. For more information on writing config files,
please see the Configuration page.
In the examples/tutorial
directory there is an example script that uses hlink as a library to
link people between two datasets. The example includes a working config file.
Interactive Mode¶
In addition to a library, hlink provides a command-line interface, which can be started
with the hlink
Starting the program¶
The program takes as input a TOML or JSON configuration file, described in the Configuration page. Parameters described in the config include paths to input data files, paths to training data files, instructions for generating machine learning features, and model parameters. The configuration enables reproducible runs that should produce the same results on the same input data.
All input flags can be printed to the console by running hlink --help
cpu ~$ hlink --help
usage: hlink [-h] [--user USER] [--cores CORES]
[--executor_memory EXECUTOR_MEMORY] [--task TASK]
[--execute_tasks EXECUTE_TASKS [EXECUTE_TASKS ...]]
[--execute_command EXECUTE_COMMAND [EXECUTE_COMMAND ...]]
[--conf CONF]
Hierarchical linking program.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--user USER run as a specific user
--cores CORES the max number of cores to use on
--executor_memory EXECUTOR_MEMORY
the memory per executor to use
--task TASK The initial task to begin processing.
--execute_tasks EXECUTE_TASKS [EXECUTE_TASKS ...]
Execute a series of tasks then exit the program.
--execute_command EXCUTE_COMMAND [EXECUTE_COMMAND ...]
Execute a single command then exit the program.
--conf CONF, --run CONF
Specify a filepath where your config file for the run
is located.
To run the program in interactive mode using a configuration file at a specified path, say ./fullcount_1870_1880.toml
, run a command following this pattern:
hlink --conf=./full_count_1870_1880.toml
After the program has started, you will see a prompt that looks like this:
hlink $
Type help
or ?
and hit enter to see a list of commands; type help <command>
to see the help text of a specific command.
Commands that start with “x_” are experimental. They may be unstable or missing some documentation.
hlink $ ?
Documented commands (type help <topic>):
analyze get_steps set_preexisting_tables x_persist
borrow_tables get_tasks set_print_sql x_sql
count help show x_sqlf
csv ipython showf x_summary
desc list x_crosswalk x_tab
drop q x_hh_tfam x_tfam
drop_all reload x_hh_tfam_2a x_tfam_raw
drop_all_prc run_all_steps x_hh_tfam_2b x_union
drop_all_temp run_step x_load
get_settings set_link_task x_parquet_from_csv
Running Linking Tasks and Steps¶
The program is organized into a hierarchy of tasks and steps. The five major tasks are preprocessing
, training
, matching
, hh_training
, and hh_matching
, and within each task are multiple steps.
To see all linking tasks, run the command get_tasks
. You should see something like this:
hlink $ get_tasks
Current link task: Preprocessing
Linking task choices are:
preprocessing :: Preprocessing
Requires no preexisting tables.
Produces tables: {'prepped_df_a', 'prepped_df_b', 'raw_df_b', 'raw_df_a'}
training :: Training
Requires tables: {'prepped_df_a', 'prepped_df_b'}
Produces tables: {'training_data', 'training_features'}
matching :: Matching
Requires tables: {'prepped_df_a', 'prepped_df_b'}
Produces tables: {'scored_potential_matches', 'potential_matches_prepped', 'potential_matches', 'exploded_df_b', 'exploded_df_a', 'predicted_matches'}
hh_training :: Household Training
Requires tables: {'prepped_df_a', 'prepped_df_b'}
Produces tables: {'hh_training_features', 'hh_training_data'}
hh_matching :: Household Matching
Requires tables: {'prepped_df_a', 'predicted_matches', 'prepped_df_b'}
Produces tables: {'hh_predicted_matches', 'hh_scored_potential_matches', 'hh_potential_matches', 'hh_blocked_matches', 'hh_potential_matchs_prepped'}
model_exploration :: Model Exploration
Requires tables: {'prepped_df_a', 'prepped_df_b'}
Produces tables: {'model_eval_training_vectorized', 'model_eval_training_data', 'model_eval_repeat_FPs', 'model_eval_training_features', 'model_eval_training_results', 'model_eval_repeat_FNs'}
hh_model_exploration :: Household Model Exploration
Requires tables: {'prepped_df_a', 'prepped_df_b'}
Produces tables: {'hh_model_eval_training_vectorized', 'hh_model_eval_repeat_FPs', 'hh_model_eval_repeat_FNs', 'hh_model_eval_training_results', 'hh_model_eval_training_features', 'hh_model_eval_training_data'}
reporting :: Reporting
Requires tables: {'prepped_df_a', 'hh_predicted_matches', 'prepped_df_b', 'predicted_matches', 'raw_df_b', 'raw_df_a'}
Produces no persistent tables.
Each linking task will interact with Spark tables within the program. To see a list of tables run the command list
. To also see hidden intermediate tables, run list all
. If you have just started the program for the first time, you should see no tables created yet:
hlink $ list
To see information about the steps of the task you are currently on, run get_steps
. You should see something that looks like this:
Link task: Preprocessing
step 0: register raw dataframes
Tables used:
Tables created:
Table 'raw_df_a' <- Preprocessing: Raw data read in from datasource A
Table 'raw_df_b' <- Preprocessing: Raw data read in from datasource B
step 1: prepare dataframes
Tables used:
Table 'raw_df_a' <- Preprocessing: Raw data read in from datasource A
Table 'raw_df_b' <- Preprocessing: Raw data read in from datasource B
Tables created:
Table 'prepped_df_a' <- Preprocessing: Preprocessed data from source A with selected columns and features
Table 'prepped_df_b' <- Preprocessing: Preprocessed data from source B with selected columns and features
To change your current link task, run set_link_task <task_name>
, where <task_name>
is the name of the link task.
Once you are sure that you are on the right task, you can use the run_step <num>
command to run a step. For example if you run run_step 0
you should see something like this:
hlink $ run_step 0
Link task: Preprocessing
Running step 0: register raw dataframes
Finished step 0: register raw dataframes in 5.85s
After the step is complete, you can run list
to see what tables it created:
hlink $ list
|database|tableName|isTemporary|description |
|linking |raw_df_a |false |Preprocessing: Raw data read in from datasource A|
|linking |raw_df_b |false |Preprocessing: Raw data read in from datasource B|
To run all steps in a task, use the run_all_steps <tasks>
command, where <tasks>
is a list of tasks you want to run all the steps for. By default this command will run all the steps for the current task.
Example interactive mode workflow¶
Create a config file and put it in your hlink config directory. For example:
Launch the hlink program in interactive mode:
hlink --conf=/path/to/conf/full_count_1870_1880
Run the tasks you want to complete:
hlink $ run_all_steps preprocessing training matching
List the created tables:
hlink $ list
Export the results:
hlink $ csv predicted_matches /my/output/file.csv